Become a member

$2.99 per month

Support Crux on a monthly basis and receive perks and discounts for your contribution!

Access to exclusive members-only merch and downloads
Special role in The Arcade discord server
More perks coming soon!
$4.99 $2.49 first month

Support Crux on a monthly basis as a Booster and receive perks across the shop and discord!

Access to exclusive members-only merch and downloads
Special role in The Arcade discord server
Custom Social/Streaming Header/Profile Pic (available after 60 days of membership)
$9.99 $4.99 first month

Support Crux on a monthly basis and receive perks and discounts for your contribution!

Access to exclusive members-only merch and downloads
Special role in The Arcade discord server
Custom Social/Streaming Header/Profile Pic (available after 60 days of membership)
Custom G FUEL 16oz shaker concept design (available after 60 days of membership)
Special mention in streams and videos
$19.99 $9.99 first month

Support Crux on a monthly basis and receive perks and discounts for your contribution!

Access to exclusive members-only merch and downloads
Special role in The Arcade discord server
Custom Social/Streaming Header/Profile Pic (available after 60 days of membership)
Custom G FUEL 16oz shaker concept design (available after 60 days of membership)
Custom G FUEL concept tub design (energy or hydration; available after 60 days of membership)
Special mention in streams and videos
Your name/company added as a sponsor in content and socials